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Kryptic Kratom

Available in 12 Count Displays

Kryptic Kratom is formulated with natural herbs and extracts blended to aid in relaxation and mood improvement.*

$6.99 / bottle

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
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Kryptic Kratom Display


The Kryptic Kratom shot is a great option for stress management, so you can unwind your favorite way.


You are amongst friends here. Sit down, kick back, try Kryptic Kratom, and feel the relaxation start to set in.

Be Happy

At Kryptic Kratom we understand stress and have a safe, herbal response to it.

All Natural

Many of our products contain mitragyna speciosa (commonly known as kratom). It has been used in traditional medicines since at least the nineteenth century.


Kratom comes from a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia.


Kryptic Kratom is formulated with natural herbs and extracts blended to aid in relaxation.

Hurry Up and Relax.™

Each 2oz bottle of Kryptic Kratom has 2 servings for maximum relaxation.

Kryptic Kratom

Relaxation Shot** (60mL)

DIRECTIONS: Take one serving of Kryptic Kratom 10-20 minutes before the desired effect. Shake well before opening. Consume the entire bottle within 20 minutes for best results.

$6.99 / bottle

Supplement Facts
** These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

All Natural

Kryptic Kratom is formulated with natural herbs and extracts blended to aid in relaxation and mood improvement.

Heavy Relaxation

The intended result of this blend are feelings of strong relaxation.


Only 35 calories per serving and 8g sugar per bottle.

Kryptic Kratom Tincture Display


Double Serving (15mL)

Mitragyna Speciosa Botanical Extract

DIRECTIONS: Shake well before opening. Take 1 serving with food. Take or discard any remainder within 72 hours (three days) after opening. Refrigeration not required.

$19.99 / bottle

Supplement Facts
Kryptic Kratom Tincture bottle


2 Capsules (500mg)

Mitragyna Speciosa Botanical Extract

THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS: Mitragyna Speciosa. Capsules are used as carriers or containers for the Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf Extract and to help facilitate the handling of raw kratom powder. Approximately 500mg per capsule.

$19.99 / bottle

Kryptic Kratom Extract Pills
Supplement Facts
Kryptic Kratom Extract Display

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